A complete zip file, include the presentation file is now available. This file contains all image files and can be downloaded in two formats, based on the status of the collection.

If the collection is closed the presentation shows the entries in the randomised order that they were judged in. The title of the entry is shown in the slideshow. The image files are named with the display order , comp id , user id then the title of the entry.

If the collection is finalised or published, the presentation shows the entries in the ascending order based on the points awarded, so the highest award is shown last in each competition section. The title, author and award of the entry is shown in the slideshow. The image files are named with the award—author—title of the entry.

After downloading the zip file ensure that it is extracted and all the files are visible in a normal folder.

To run the presentation use your browsers menu to file > open and locate the presentation.html. This presentation will run without an internet connection.

To download go to Manage Collections and identify the collection you wish to use. Select Downloads and Data from the dropdown menu. If a file is ready for download use the download button, otherwise use the request button.

For small collections the zip file download button should appear in a few minutes. An email will be sent with a link to the download.