We all do it. You finish writing a post, and it’s not until you see the message arrive in your inbox you notice the typos, or that Saturday is the 15th and not the 19th!

Each post has a category feature, and when the emails for that post are sent the category POST SENT is checked.  This prevents the message being sent if a minor edit is done to the post.

However, if the changes made to the post warrant sending another message, then simply clear this checkbox.  When the post is updated it will be sent by email again.   Tip:  Add the word Update  to the title to let members know that this is not the same message sent a second time.

If you cannot see the category section, click on the Screen Option in the top right corner (when editing a post) and check the Categories box.

This message is sent only to webmasters of your club, so please forward this message to anyone who writes posts on your website.

